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Regulation of video games

According to Kommersant, a large-scale regulation of video games is being prepared in Russia. The sphere of online and other computer games is still remains the least regulated among all spheres of activity on the Internet. Foreign platforms providing access to online-games remain outside of legal regulation. At the same time, a large number of Russian citizens and above all, children are involved in such games. The first gran problem that comes to mind when you start talking about video games is the protection of children. The most important part about the regulation of online-games is the age restrictions of such games and appropriate marking. The optimal age classification is based on the expertise conducted by independent expert organizations. This approach corresponds to the best international practices.

It can become a problem because of the enormous efforts needed for conducting the expertise in order to complete the game and develop special skills of experts. The other aspect of this problem is the practical realization of the requirements of foreign platforms abiding by Russian Legislation. Mandatory mechanisms of law enforcement will be surely based on access restriction of the platforms.