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Film production ended not with a triumph, but with a trial

The production of the film ended with a trial for the producer

The author of the videos, included in the film, requested 15,000 rubles from the producer, and then increased the amount 200 times. The court was investigating, is it fair to demand millions for videos with panoramas

Ekaterina Kashchenko - senior lawyer-consultant of the Legal Bureau "Omega" together with the producer's CFO - Alexander Dubovets analyzed the case and told what the non-contractual use of IP objects could lead to.

The producer of the film before using the footage, taken by a quadrocopter, negotiated payment terms with the author without any written agreement. However, when producer wanted to pay the bill, the author refused to sign the contract and asked for a huge amount of money. The situation led to the legal dispute. The court's decision and other details of this case you can read following the link below.